The "Coralblanc" series, determined by lobster fishing in the depths of the Cap de Creus canyon, captures the essence of the stony coral reefs, in particular the desmophyllus pertusum and madrepora oculata, which have existed for over 200,000 years. This project is not only an artistic expression, but also a call for awareness of the risks facing our beloved Mare Nostrum, the Mediterranean. The additional series, "Posidonia" and "Taffoni", deepen the narrative, transporting us to the distant past of the Thetys Sea, 200 million years before the Mediterranean came into existence. Through a contemporary gaze, these pieces reflect remote elements, underlining the importance of preserving our marine heritage in a wider context. Each work is more than an object; it is an echo of the past and an urgent reminder of the fragility of our marine environment.